Tattoo Ideas And Tattoo Designs For Girls

Another strong parallel trend in recent years is the move to individuality. Where's in the past, people have been more inclined to associate with a group or groups, there is now much more emphasis on the individual. Young people in particular want to develop an image of themselves that is unique and differentiated from the normal every day. You will often hear young people say such thinks as "it's my look", or "my style".

Being seen to be different or individualistic is not always easy. This is where a tattoo can make a real difference. Some girls prefer to be more discrete and will select a small and more discerning tattoo in a place on their body that is less exposed. The lower back tattoo is a great example of this. Others are more adventurous and will take on a design that is more noticeable.

How are tattoos for girls chosen? In my research I have found a few primary reasons why girls choose tattoos. Let's explore some of this is more detail. Firstly, girls like their tattoo to mean something to them. Put another way, they select tattoos that have meaning for them. Examples include marking special occasions, like an engagement or the birth of the first child. Other forms of meaning can be association with groups. This is especially common in some cultures, where a tattoo design can be associated with a tribe. Perhaps the use of tattoos by biker gangs is another example of this? A more recent trend is to select a word or phrase that has meaning and place it on the wrist. One girl commented to me that she uses hers as a constant reminder of how she would like to live her life. So the words are a guiding principle by which she wishes to live her life.